Thursday, June 13, 2019

Google Search Consile Error - Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’


Sitemaps are important from SEO perspective. If you have installed the WordPress plugin Google XML Sitemaps, and you have submitted a link to Google via the Google Search Console, you might receive an email from "Google Search Console Team " saying that "your site is affected by 1 new Coverage related issue - Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’". Here is how to resolve it.
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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

How to disable, limit and delete WordPress post revisions?


If you are familiar with WordPress CMS, you might have observed that WordPress autsaves every edit by default. Post revisions is a good feature in WordPress to review and track changes. However, for some it may not be necessary as it is not required or due to database size concerns.

In this post, we shall see how to disable WordPress post revisions, set WordPress post revision to a certain number, deleted previous WordPress post revisions. 

So, I have a WordPress website too and I saw that the revision of a particular post is 229 already! I am not sure if there is a limit in WordPress up to how many latest revisions are saved. I guess there is none by default. It would be awesome if there is a setting for admins to set the revisions in WordPress.


Anyway, I decided I do not need that many post revisions in my database. I also do not want to disable post revisions completely. You may want to completely disable revisions as per your need. Follow the steps below as per you need.

1) Disable WordPress post revisions
As discussed WordPress keeps post revisions by default. There is no UI to disable it. However, it can be defined in wp-config.php file.

Add the following line of code at the bottom of the wp-config.php file just above (require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php' );) to disable WordPRess post revisions.

define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 300 ); // seconds
define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false ); 

Place the code above the line: require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php' ); 

This code will disable all future revisions to be saved and it will also increase the autosave interval from 60 seconds to 300 seconds. The post will be auto-saving every 5 minute instead of every minute.

2) Set WordPress post revision to a certain number
In my case, I did not disable the post revisions. I wanted to reduce the number of post revisions to keep.  To limit the number of WordPress post revisions, add the following line of code at the bottom of the wp-config.php file.

/** No. of revisions to keep */
define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 2 );
Place the code above the line: require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php' );

This will keep only two post revisions in the database.

3) Delete previous WordPress post revisions

As discussed above, we can disable and limit the post revisions. However, doing the above changes does not remove the previous post revisions already saved in the database, which are occupying unnecessary space.

To delete the previous post revisions from WordPress database, do the following:
  • Login to your host Control Panel
  • Launch phpMyAdmin
See the post revisions in WordPress database:

Launch phpMyAdmin > Click on SQL tab and run the query:

SELECT ID,post_title,post_type FROM `wp_posts` where post_type="revision";

Note: If table prefix (wp) has been changed, use appropriate table prefix in your case.

This query will show you all the posts which are of type - post revisions.


Find out how many post revisions are there in the WordPress database:

Launch phpMyAdmin > Click on SQL tab and run the query:

SELECT count(*) FROM `wp_posts` where post_type="revision";

Note: If table prefix (wp) has been changed, use appropriate table prefix in your case.

This query will display the number of post revisions in the database.

Delete the post revisions from database:

To delete the post revisions, run the following query from phpMyAdmin:

DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision";

Note: If table prefix (wp) has been changed, use appropriate table prefix in your case.

The steps in this post should disable Post revisions, set a limit to the number of post revisions to keep and delete all previously saved post revisions stored in the WordPress database.

Post revisions may be a useful feature but if it is not necessary for you, you may following the steps above to disable or limit the post revisions as discussed.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How to create a panoramic photo from multiple images in Adobe Photoshop?


Panoramic photos are wide angle photos.  Most smartphone cameras and even digital cameras have Panorama mode, where the user have to pan to create a panoramic photo. But if you need to create a panoramic photo from normal photos, we can do so easily using Photoshop. In this post, we shall see how to create a panoramic photo from multiple images in Adobe Photoshop? It is super easy.
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Friday, May 3, 2019

How to resolve Google Drive file sync issues - red cross mark?

Google Drive is a cloud storage available to all Google Users. If you have a Gmail address, you have Google Drive access too. Every user gets a basic 15GB storage, which is quite sufficient to store your personal files. If you are already using Google Drive, you may already know that it is accessible at Google Drive also has a "Backup and Sync from Google" which can be installed on computers to store and sync files to and from Google Drive. It is recommended to install the "Backup and Sync from Google" if you need to frequently manage files from the computer. Google Drive is also available for Android and other platforms too.

In this post, we shall discuss ways to resolve Google Drive sync issues.
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Saturday, April 27, 2019

WordPress: How to display only limited number of most popular tags in WordPress Tag Cloud and keep same font size?


In WordPress, there is a widget called "Tag Cloud" which displays the Tags used in posts. This is useful when we want to display a list of Tags in widget areas so that visitors can quickly find related posts by Tag. In this post, we shall see -
  • How to limit the number of most popular tags to display in the Tag Cloud widget?
  • How to keep the same font size of the Tags in the display?
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Sunday, March 10, 2019

YouTube Monetization disabled and re-enabled!


Like many small time YouTube creators, I also got an email in January 2018 about changes to the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)  regarding changes new threshold of 4,000 hours of watchtime within the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers. The revenue wasn't much but it was good to get some revenue from the little effort made in creating some videos. Unfortunately, my channel did not meet the subscriber threshold though watch time was alright. So, as per the new rules, monetization was set to be disabled.
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Monday, February 25, 2019

How to resize photograph and signature to certain width and height in pixels and file size in KB?

This post is intended for those who are trying to submit or upload images on websites that ask for certain dimension - both in size and pixels. How to resize photograph and signature to certain width and height in pixels and file size in KB? Most online applications for government exams in India asks for scanned photograph and signature in specific pixel size and image size such as -

 Upload Scanned Images of Photograph and Signature:

    The scanned images of photograph and Signature should be in jpg/jpeg format only.
    Size of the photo image must be between 20 KB to 40 KB
    Size of the signature image must be
between 20 KB to 40 KB
    Dimension of photograph image should be 3.5 cm(width) x 4.5 cm(Height) only.
    Dimension of signature image should be 3.5 cm(length) x 1.5 cm(Height) only.

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Google Search Consile Error - Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’

Sitemaps are important from SEO perspective. If you have installed the WordPress plugin Google XML Sitemaps , and you have submitted a link ...