Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How to create a panoramic photo from multiple images in Adobe Photoshop?


Panoramic photos are wide angle photos.  Most smartphone cameras and even digital cameras have Panorama mode, where the user have to pan to create a panoramic photo. But if you need to create a panoramic photo from normal photos, we can do so easily using Photoshop. In this post, we shall see how to create a panoramic photo from multiple images in Adobe Photoshop? It is super easy.
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Friday, May 3, 2019

How to resolve Google Drive file sync issues - red cross mark?

Google Drive is a cloud storage available to all Google Users. If you have a Gmail address, you have Google Drive access too. Every user gets a basic 15GB storage, which is quite sufficient to store your personal files. If you are already using Google Drive, you may already know that it is accessible at https://drive.google.com. Google Drive also has a "Backup and Sync from Google" which can be installed on computers to store and sync files to and from Google Drive. It is recommended to install the "Backup and Sync from Google" if you need to frequently manage files from the computer. Google Drive is also available for Android and other platforms too.

In this post, we shall discuss ways to resolve Google Drive sync issues.
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Google Search Consile Error - Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’

Sitemaps are important from SEO perspective. If you have installed the WordPress plugin Google XML Sitemaps , and you have submitted a link ...